So, this is goodbye❗
Oh no, please. Cannot we go to page one and do it all over again? I wish my memory could somehow fade away so that I can restart my Amal journey.
On the 12–6–2021 and 13–6–2021, I never wanted to attend, and never wanted my eyes to open because I was aware of the post feelings. It was hard because everyone every time on everything in the fellowship was so punctilious in providing every amenity to be helpful, inspiring, positive, and kind. So, I woke up with a hefty heart to see my people, with qualms of random thoughts that this won’t be our last interaction. I believe goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes because there is no such thing as separation for those who love with heart 💖 and soul.
How about having a life full of people with their faces smiling when they see you? How about when you lie on the bed at night a part of you feels so relaxed as the psithurism goes in and out of your body. This is because you have people who withstand the test of time and have proved to be the best shoulder to cry on, the best ear to listen to and the best people to have the most amount of fun with. I cannot say goodbye to those I have grown to love and learn from, for the memories we have made will last a lifetime and will never know a goodbye.
The last session was not normal, as things were not as they used to be. I will never be able to forget the day when I started realizing something seemed off. I was so adamant that it must be just my imagination and that everything was peachy, but it wasn’t. All I could do was take comfort in my bed and cry myself to sleep, praying that I would wake up and this would all be a nightmare. That Amal would still be a huge part of my life, and I would laugh with my fellows about this horrible nightmare I had had. Apart from all the sentiments, the learnings, the output, and the self-realization made the whole experience worth it.

I am finding it quite difficult, to sum up, my whole experience in a single blog because every session has added a new milestone to my personality. Every learning group activity has taught me something new and different. The motivating, and meticulous feedback provided by the facilitation team helped me in being sedulous at my work. The Amal journey has also added the element of gentleness to my life. One of the most helpful activities, that changed my perception, was the LUMS case study. It altered the way I responded to others’ viewpoints and the way I took part in discussions with my peers. The Edhi fundraising experience taught me how to deal with other people and organizations I was unfamiliar with. I had developed good relations with some organizations, and good convincing and communication knacks that will help me in the future. The perks of working in the team have fostered creativity with time and helped me developed a relationship of trust. It has scooped out my interpersonal, societal, speaking, and presentation skills.
Overall, I am very grateful to be a part of the Amal Fellowship and attained a quality experience to better myself for my future. Through the fellowship, I have developed positive relationships that have increased my sense of purpose and meaning. They have fulfilled my need to belong in a community and have given me a stronger sense of identity. I truly believe that going through all those experiences will have so many different impacts on my life and prepare me for the real world outside of the university.

In the end, I must say to my Amal fellows to be well, do good work, and keep in touch.🌸