Reflection on Amal Tootkay
Do you believe in TOOTKAY? I did not believe it at first until one of my mother’s Tootkays worked for real. So, now when I hear this word something firm and staunch hits my mind.
Some of the Tootkays the Amal fellowship has taught me are:
- Self-talk
I have a perpetual habit of taking so long in the shower. I often get late whenever I have to catch up with my friends. All I am doing is either teleporting into the past to correct the things I messed up or thinking about the future. Most of the time my friends are like “What, what did you just say?”, and I say “Nothing, I was just talking to myself”.

Self-talk has a plethora of advantages. It is a self-autocorrection mode for me because it has helped conclude the tasks smoothly. The optimistic confrontation of my mind and heart has always made things right for me. Constructive self-talk will enhance self-confidence, self-motivation, self-productiveness and will curb negative emotions.
2. Get out of your comfort zone
I was the Head Boy of my college. Students having more grades than me did not even compete because the head boy has a lot of responsibilities to fulfill. They just wanted to stick to their comfort zones. A person with a knack to learn something innovative does not feel reluctant to come out of the comfort zone. Staying in the comfort zone will make a person lazy, procrastinated, pessimistic, and passive-minded. If we have a growth mindset and want to be lifelong learners then we have to take a step out of the circumference of our comfort circle.

3. Create new habits
Through self-talk, we can enlighten ourselves on the areas of improvement. After this, we can develop new habits to bring a good change. We should try by acquiring easy and simple habits and make them a part of our routine. Like when I entered the house I say “Assalam-o-Alaikum” loudly. We must put the Kaizen approach in our pocket and taste a bit of it every day to bring even 1% modification in ourselves.

4. Ask people help
In my hostel group, we used to discuss the times where any one of us did something bad or hurt. We are helping each other to improve societal and inter-personal affairs. We must ask for help from others to avoid any ego or personal agenda adsorbing in our personality. Asking for help will not descend our self-esteem rather it will make us confident of doing that thing correctly in front of a larger audience.

5. Fake it till you make it
We must be the person we have never dared to be. Gradually, we will discover that we are that person, but until we can see this clearly, we must pretend and invent. Faking it until you make it only works when we correctly identify something within ourselves that is holding us back. For instance, recognizing when you’re socially awkward, and could make more headway professionally by forcing yourself to initiate conversation at workplace functions.

If we give these Tootkays a practical utilization we can bring a stellar change in our life.