Muhammad Waleed
3 min readApr 15, 2021

Does a day have 24 hours these days? Is it that every day seems shorter and faster than the previous one? The calendar of my life is showing December 22nd, the shortest day of the year, consistently. The deadlines are getting closer with the blink of an eye. Are you having the same problem? If yes then I have a TOOTKA for you.

The conversation between me and I (self-talk) few hours before the assignment submission deadline:

Knock Knock!

Who is at the door?

It’s me whom you called in the morning, could you please confirm your name?

Yes, I am Procrastinator. Who are you I do not remember exactly?

Oh! I am Pomodoro, you asked for my help in the morning.

Thank God you are in time, please come in.

Need some help?

You might have guessed the Tootka? Yes, it’s the Pomodoro technique. The disease, Procrastination, is getting ubiquitous among people of all ages. It curbs and hampers a person to be productive and constructive within the allotted time. So, our leukocyte, the Pomodoro technique, has geared up to rout procrastination. It is an efficient time management technique that asks us to alternate Pomodoro — focused work sessions — with frequent short breaks to promote sustained concentration and stave off mental fatigue.

I had one of my lab assignments due yesterday. My dizziness, laziness, and sluggishness were creating hindrances in starting the assignment. My hands, brain, heart, and eyes were equally involved in giving extra time to social media and making the random videos on YouTube and random clothing ads on Instagram alluring.

Wish I could teleport to the past.

As 11:59 p.m. was getting closer the heartbeat was getting faster. After getting a hard slap from my inner I get up, turned off my mobile, rolled up my sleeves, locked the door of my room, and started working. I divided the whole task into four parts and decided to complete each part in 25 minutes. I got a little distraction from the surroundings at times, but then the ache of that slap enhanced and I continued working.

It might look easy but making it is really a thing.

Believe me, I completed the assignment in 90 minutes and that hour and a half went like a minute and a half.

Yay! Thank you, Pomodoro.

