Deja Vu-Visualizing the Experience💫
The day March 20, 2021, a day of new beginnings, a day of new hope, new learnings, seemed to be yesterday for it is still fresh in my memory. The day I could not restrain myself to get up early in the morning and double-checked everything✨. At 0929 hours, the qualms, of how the people and the new environment would be, gave rise to butterflies in my stomach that went straight to my mind via my heart. But, at sharp 0930 hours when the text “The host will let you in the meeting soon” disappeared I saw two people. They were named Huda Khan-Amal and Zeeshan-Amal and were smiling while looking into the camera, I thought they were looking at me👀. I felt a wave of a strong positive vibe from them, forcing a natural smile from nowhere to appear on my face.🌸

Last week I went with my brother to buy a talking parrot🦜. We were selecting the parrot on different criteria. It should be adult, have grown feathers, can at least speak his name “Miaa Mithoo” etc. It reminded me of the time when hiring managers at Amal Academy were looking at me for the pre-requisites they have set. In the shop, one drop-dead beautiful parrot piqued our attention. He was calling out his name, was quite active and energetic, and moving on the corners of his small home 🏡 to interact with other parrots. We decided to buy him, same as the HR personals decided to choose me. When I was changing his house, he just lowered his head, and half-closed his eyes, when I was about to grab him. That moment exactly reminded me of the time when my fellowship was about to start, and I was super bewildered before the first session.

I already have one talking parrot at my home. So, I put his small house alongside his fellow parrot. He didn't say anything for the first whole day when any of my family members was in front of him but spoke with his fellow parrot alone. I did the same, I didn’t speak in the main session but spoke in the breakout room. One of them was saying “Mithoo” and the other “Mian Mithoo” again and again, they were somehow sharing their name story, for that was their first interaction🍃. I did the same at Amal, I shared my name story, at my first interaction with other fellows, just like my parrot. Out of more than 50 participants, I luckily got the privilege to speak and told my story to Areeba and Marya, the other two fellows in the room.
Initially, the parrot was not willing to get out of his comfort zone just like me. But, later on, the positive attitude I maintained with him made him felt more relaxed. I did so because the same positive energy and an environment conducive to learning were upheld by the facilitation team that made me felt over the moon. ⭐ I was teaching him new skills i.e., pronouncing my name, other’s names, and many more. The same happened at Amal. They tried to scoop out my communication, societal, and interpersonal flairs by teaching new skills. My parrot has acquired a growth mindset by accepting us as a family, the same I did when I became a part of the Amal family.

How many of you reading this blog truly live a LIFE, a life with an objective, a life of your own, and not only turning days into nights and vice versa? If your inner responds NO to the aforementioned question all you need to do is just break the monotony. Your life will not change overnight, or you cannot change it rapidly. You need to do something every day that brings even 0.1% change in you, a good change, a different one. During the second week, I had the course “Living a life of purpose”✌🏻. My parrot resonates with me the way he accepted the challenge of going to a new place, practiced more and more to learn something new, made new friends, I also did the same.

Thus, Amal provided me with the skills that will help me fly high in the sky. I am now the Miaan Mithoo who has developed a growth mindset, accepted new people as a part of his family, and is more confident now. He can speak his heart out in front of other people. Do you want to be the same? It is so easy, just amal on the Amal values and principles, it will let you fly high in the skies of success🌈.