Amal Fellowship Week#01
Finally, on March 20, 2021 at sharp 0930 hours the wait was finally over for I have had my first virtual session of Amal Fellowship. After going through the selection steps, I condone the fact in back of my mind that this fellowship will have plethora of benefits for me. This fellowship being a virtual one I thought would make me tedious for I have to lay on the couch in front of the laptop for more than two hours, but the hours went like seconds.

At first there was a break-out room session in which we have to share the story behind our name, and have to listen the story of other fellows in the room as well. Out of more than 50 participants I luckily got the privilege to speak and told the story of Areeba and Marya, the other two fellows in the room. Our Program Manager, Ma’am Huda Khan, and Program Associate, Sir Zeeshan Ghazi, explained to us the Values and Principles of Amal Fellowship. The values of this fellowship are Honesty, Responsibility, Growth, Humility and Acceptance. The principles are “Amal” itself, “Khudi”, “Kam Kam Kam” and “Aik or Aik Giara”.
In the end there was a group activity in which we have to draw a Dog from at maximum 6 rectangles, 3 triangles, 2 circles and 2 straight lines. We somehow managed to complete this activity in time, but the dog we made had a triangular neck which I think was weird yet funny:’) for I have not seen such type of a dog even in cartoons.

Then started the second day of the fellowship Sunday, March 21, 2021. We all were asked by our program associate to wear something that will represent our homeland, Pakistan, for there will be “The Pakistan Day” over morrow. So, I wear a white dress shirt. Up till now waking up so early like more or less at 0800 hours is really a bone of contention for me but the interesting sessions help me git rid of the morning blues. Sunday’s session was more descriptive or rather theoretical because the program managers were clearing the things out for us.

The interesting thing of Sunday’s session was the Life Map. We were asked to point out our happy and sad moments of life and jot down them on a piece of paper. We discussed our life maps with others when we were divided into break-out rooms.

At the end of every session there is an Exit ticket. After Sunday’s session we have to make a post on Twitter.